Print Services

Wide range of print capabilities from high quality canvas prints to DTM printing onto substrates up to 65mm thick.


Variety of printing methods

Printing methods include UV, latex and eco-solvent onto a variety substrates.
Stretch fabrics with silicone edges.
3.2m wide printing on fabrics also with a colour white colour capabilities.


Large format printing

Printing up to 3.2m wide. Billboards, giant posters, retail graphics, canvas prints and more, in XL sizes.


UV printing

Print direct to media on virtually any material - glass, perspex, tiles, wood, textiles.


Eco-solvent printing

Print using eco-solvent inks. More eco-friendly, using less volatile organic compounds.

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Latex printing

Versatile printing solutions for soft signage, vinyl banners, wallpaper and more.



We provided conceptualising and printing solutions for the large scale (1300mm x 3000mm) Prada prints alongside installation in-store.